The Executive Committee met again this evening and this is an update of what was discussed and some events and activities that are on the horizon.
The aim of this email to keep you, as members of KLCC, up to date with the activities of the committee. These are not minutes of the meeting and act as guidance only. There are obviously some topics or details that it wouldn't be appropriate to share in this forum.
1) Welfare and Safeguarding - this is a standing item at all meetings. Good progress has been made in ensuring that all coaches, captains and vice captains have their DBS paperwork in place before the season starts. Reminders have been sent to chase up the final paperwork required.
2) Preparations for Senior Cricket: We are coming to the end of Senior nets with one additional session being added on Monday 15th April at Choice Cricket Centre. There are promising signs in terms of recruitment with 5-6 new players coming to different net sessions over the winter and others expressing an interest in joining. There has been a good initial response to the "Intention to Play" questionnaire that was sent round recently and would encourage all Senior players to complete this in the coming days. This is the link to the survey: KLCC - Intention to Play 2019
We will be holding our CricketForce "Tidy-up" Day on Saturday 20th April from 9am - 2pm. We would encourage all members to come and play a part in getting the club ready for a busy summer of Junior and Senior Cricket on The Common. We would expect Senior Players to be doing all they can to support us on the day, or to play a part in some other way in the build up to the season if they are unable to attend on that day.
As the morning finishes, we will fire up the BBQ and intend to have a Senior Players Meeting at 2pm to set the scene for the season ahead.
3) Preparations for Junior Cricket: Junior nets have also been running over recent weeks in parallel with the Senior Nets. Thank you to the coaches and organisers who have run these sessions. There has been great progress in numbers signing up for the ECB All-Stars programme. There will be events to sign up for Junior Members in the other sections on Saturday 20th April and Friday 26th April - further details will be shared separately.
4) Club Maintenance: There is ongoing work in terms of establishing quotes and ways forward for a number of general maintenance jobs with specific attention being paid to the till behind the bar, nets, showers and ground-maintenance equipment. A number of key jobs for CricketForce day have also been identified.
5) Social Committee Feedback: The Social Committee also met last week and an update was presented to the Committee. Initial discussions have been held in terms of events during the season and there will be a BBQ (weather permitting!) on the evening of May 4th to kick off the season following the first Senior Warm-Up games. Ideas are in process to develop the atmosphere and culture in the club on a Saturday evening following Senior Cricket matches. A key area for development remains the 'reach' of the committee and the range of activities and events that are appealing to as wide-a-range of members as possible. We would particularly like to recruit a couple of Junior Section parents and a couple of Senior players to the group, as well as any other members who are keen to play a role. There will be separate messages relating to this.
As ever, this message comes with a 'thank you' and a 'plea'.
Thank you to the many people who are already very giving of their time, energy and commitment to the running of the club. We are a community club that relies on the goodwill of volunteers to function. We hope that you enjoy a 'summer of fun' on and off the field and enjoy the facilities, cricket and events that are on offer.
And the 'plea'... We need your help to make everything as good as it can be. Please do get involved where you can and support us in making this the best cricket club it can be. A good 'entry level' of support would be to help us grow our presence and community online by liking and engaging with our Facebook and Twitter posts and helping us to spread the word! You can access our Facebook page here: KLCC Facebook Page
We look forward to starting the summer with you on April 20th and if you can't join us then, we will see you up on The Common soon.
Many thanks
Rich Davis (on behalf of the Executive Committee)