Kings Langley Cricket Club News story

Saturday 4th May - Availability Request - This is not a drill!

27 Apr 2019

We are starting the season with two Senior warm up games on Saturday 4th May against Abbots Langley.

We need ALL SENIOR PLAYERS to log on to the website and update your availability: KLCC Website

The attached document shows/reminds you how to update your availability and how to resolve any password issues.

A reminder that you can update your availability for all games at any time... so if you know your availability for the first few weeks it would be really helpful if you could fill this in too.

For various reasons, including the FA Cup Final, there are significant challenges for availability in the first three league games (11th, 18th and 25th May) so if you are able to play your support would be much appreciated.

If you have any issues using the website system, please email (I think clickling 'reply' should reach this address) or Tom Clark (his email address is in the attachment).

Please support the captains and other volunteers involved in running the club by taking a couple of minutes to respond to these requests... rather than them having to spend hours chasing people during the season.

Many thanks

Rich Davis (on behalf of the Selection Committee)


