Kings Langley Cricket Club News story

Quiz Night and future dates for your diary!

23 Feb 2020

We had a great night at the club on Friday night as 10 teams and 64 players took on the challenge of our latest Quiz Night.

Thanks to the raffle and the generosity of the top 2 teams, we also raised £250 for the Nets Fund and had a productive night behind the bar!  A big thank you to Q and Amanda for sorting everything with the bar, Cookey and his accomplices for sorting the raffle and all those who donated prizes and turned up to take part.

Our next big event is The Big Fundraising Quiz Night on Friday 27th March - where we will be going all out to raise money for the Nets Fund.... but there will be lots of opportunities to win prizes along the way.

We also have Friday 24th April in the diary for a Quiz Night and Saturday 16th May for a Eurovision Party (although there will be plenty of the club to hide in if the very thought of it makes you cry!)

We are also planning events to help prepare for and launch the season as it approaches and will be looking to host regular socials of different types throughout the summer.

We will keep you up to speed and confirm dates as early as we can.

In the meantime, a reminder that Senior Indoor Nets continue tomorrow (Monday) night at Redbourn between 7 and 8pm.

Have a good week and we look forward to seeing you up at the club soon!

Kind regards,

