Kings Langley Cricket Club News story

KLCC 100 Club - Action for participants

24 Apr 2020

I hope you and your families are well. Apologies for the delay in sending this update, as promised last week.

As you may be aware, we have a well-established "100 Club" at KLCC that is diligently and kindly run and coordinated by Peter Whitlock.  It is a huge source of financial support for the club and a valuable part of how the club has maintained its financial stability over a number of years.

For £2 a month per number, players are entered into a monthly draw and 5 cash prizes of between £10 and £70 are awarded each month - with £100 the top prize in December!

Please can I ask all current participants to read Peter's message below and that you then complete the details on the linked Google Form to support Peter in being able to communicate with you more easily by email (or other means if you prefer).  If you have additional family who are members, but may not receive these emails, please do forward on, or complete a second time on their behalf.

If you would like to join the "100 Club", please also complete details on the Google Form - and when I share with Peter he will make contact to help you get involved.

 KLCC 100 Club Membership Details


Dear Fellow Members,

For those of you who provide additional support to the club through the 100+ Club this is to let you know that in all probability the early season draws are likely to be delayed, but I will catch up once the current restrictions are relaxed.

To those 100+ Club members who pay annually by cheque, I will be contacting you shortly by post, however should you wish to revise your payment method to a Bank Standing Order, which most members are using, or pay by bank transfer, please email me and I will provide you with the details.

Please email me also if any of you are interested in joining the 100+ Club and have the chance to win a moderate cash prize each month.

My contact details are at the foot of this message.

I have attached a winners list from the past season. I still have a few prizes to distribute when we get the chance to meet up again.

Looking forward to seeing you in the not too distant future and watching some cricket, take care, stay safe,

Kind regards,

Email :-   Mobile :- 07488 286 259.


A huge thank you to Peter for all he does in organising the 100 Club - and thank you to all who continue to support the club by participating.

Do take care and let us know if we can do anything to support - details of the next quiz night are on there way soon!



