I email to bring you news of two forthcoming club social events.
Friday 8th November - Quiz Night
Friday 6th December - Bingo Night
Quiz Night returns on Friday 8th November and your quiz master (me!) will be back with a fun night of questions, puzzles and games to test your knowledge, skills and calmness under pressure!
It will be £2 per person entry. All entry money will be returned as cash prizes. There will also be a couple of extra games to raise money for the Nets Fund and to give you chance to win additional prizes.
The club will be open from 7pm with the quiz actually starting at 8pm. Maximum team size is 8.
You can reserve a table by letting me know how many people are in your team by emailing me on rjdavis024@gmail.com ... this helps me to plan the evening, set out the tables and guarantee I have enough copies of everything... but you can just turn up on the night.
This is very much an occasion open to all club members and is not simply put together as a cricketers social... you are of course welcome to put together teams with non-members.
It would be great to see the club busy and bustling on a November evening... the bar will of course be open and we will do our very best to give you a fun night to fight off any autumnal blues.
I will send reminders over the next week and we will be putting out an event and reminders on Facebook... whether or not you can attend, it would be great if you can support the club by sharing these posts and spreading the word.
Many thanks
Rich Davis