Kings Langley Cricket Club News story

Committee Update Part 2 - Financial Security

27 May 2020

In our second Committee update, the focus is on the issue of Financial Security.

The good news is that we feel as confident as we can be that KLCC is in a safe and secure financial position to weather the current climate.

However, there continue to be a number of unavoidable outgoings despite being closed and fundamentally we have no income for the forseeable future.

A summary of actions/decisions:

  • We have taken action to minimise outgoing bills with a number of expenses waived, reduced or on hold.
  • Big thanks must go to Quentin Ross-Smith who has made tremendous efforts to minimise losses on existing bar stock by selling on to other suppliers before expiry dates - although in turn this means that the bar will need almost entirely restocking when we are able to open
  • We continue to monitor opportunities and apply for grants (not loans) where available.
  • We continue to make investments to prepare for the possibility of cricket this summer, including ground maintenance and exploring options for a mobile net.
  • We are not currently in a position to commit to completing the Net Refurbishment Project - although there will be a separate update on this issue.

As such, with no likely income from the bar or social events for a while to come, it is important to emphasise the importance of membership fees in maintaining financial security and as our only formal point of income.

Thank you to those members who have already been able to pay their memberships for the 2020 season.

We fully understand that you may not be in a position to pay at the moment due to the effects of this situation on your own personal circumstances - and this is not intended to pressure or guilt-trip you in to paying something you can't afford.

However, if you are able to pay your usual membership fees, it would be greatly appreciated.  Full details of how to pay, and the different rates, are in the attached document. If you choose to pay by bank transfer, please make the payment reference clear as being for membership as this helps us to track things more easily.

A further and final update will follow tomorrow - giving more insight into the status of the Net Refurbishment Project - and the impact this may have on our ability to offer outdoor practice facilities.

Details of our next Virtual Quiz Night and an opportunity to "get involved" in this weekend's simulated match reports are coming soon too.

Many thanks - and do take care,

KLCC Executive Committee

