Kings Langley Cricket Club News story

KLCC Virtual Pub Quiz Update

21 Jun 2020

I hope you are keeping well - and are looking forward to the hot weather to come this week.

We will be returning with the 6th installment of our KLCC Virtual Pub Quiz this coming Friday, 26th June.  It will be on Facebook Live from 8pm - and should be done by about 9.30pm.

If you missed the last installment you can find all the resources here: KLCC Virtual Pub Quiz 5

And, in fact, the resources from all 5 quizzes so far can be found using this link here: KLCC Virtual Pub Quiz_All resources

For those that have taken part, either live or in your own time, we hope it has helped to bring some entertainment and maintain some contact with the club whilst we have been forced to close.

As a number of people beyond the club have been taking part in the quizzes, I have shared a fundraising link for our Net Refurbishment Project with recent online posts about the events.

KLCC Net Refurbishment GoFundMe

If you would like to, and feel able to, please do donate using this link, but do also feel free to help by sharing the link to help us re-start our program of fundraising.

We have received a number of membership payments and donations to the club of late, and we are so appreciative to all who have done so.

You can find attached the details of how to pay your membership if you still wish to.

The Committee are meeting this week to discuss the latest situation in terms of league cricket and the ability to offer practice facilities, whilst satisfying all the requirements of Government and ECB advice. 

We will send an update as soon as possible to ensure everyone is clear about the direction of travel and how we are doing all we can to get some cricket on The Common as soon as possible.

Many thanks, and do take care,


